Friday 31 May 2013

May 25, Kindle Fire Security For Kids

By on 02:50

Kindle Fire Security For Kids

The Kindle Fire tablet was not only designed for the enjoyment of adults or parents, but they should also be a fun gadget for the kids.  Your next concern might be the search for Kindle Fire security for kids to specify the limitations as to which apps and features your children could use including the length of time they can use your device. 

Without these parental or security features, your kids might accidentally gain access to your Amazon account, download paid applications and files, or surf the internet for violent or illicit content. There are several ways of securing your tablet which will limit not only your children’s usage but anyone who borrows the device from you. 

Among these security features include; the main tablet’s lock, the use of parental security applications, and of Kindle’s recently introduced Kindle FreeTime. 

Check out these other pages: 

Locking the tablet or screen

A lot of parents prefer to supervise their children if they wanted to play or use a particular app of the tablet. And to ensure that your tablet is not used when you’re away or without your permission, you could use Kindle Fire’s built-in tablet or screen lock. Just like the locks of cellular phones and other devices, these locks were designed to totally inhibit the usage of the tablet. For an extra layer of security, you can set your preferred password for this feature. Learn more about Kindle Fire tricks and tips. 

Settings Toolbar > More > Security

The Kindle FreeTime

One of Amazon’s recently introduced Kindle Fire security for kids is the Kindle FreeTime. This new feature allows parents to limit the time usage of children on their Kindle Fire tablet. It also is capable of creating individual profiles that you can assign for each kid. Each profile can have its unique settings as to the amount of time allowed when playing music or videos, reading, or playing and using apps. This feature is very easy and simple to use. If you want for example to limit your child in using only a single game app, you can adjust and extend the time settings for this app on the FreeTime’s control panel. For the other apps and features, you can set the time limit to zero.

The use of applications for parental control

Applications are generally designed to extend the capability of mobile phones and your tablet. And among this capability is to provide better parental control. There are several applications that you could download and purchase from Amazon to provide that needed security for kids. Take a look at the best Kindle Fire security apps.  And majority of these applications were designed to limit the use of one, two, or more applications and features of your tablet. An example is the Smart App Protector. This app provides the ability for you to lock specific locations on your tablet. If you don’t want your child to have access to the Amazon store, the web, magazines, etc, you can lock these locations using the said application.

When using apps as Kindle Fire security for kids, experts suggest that you should also use the Home Lock feature. This is because if the home screen is not locked, the child using the tablet can just simply close the app he or she is using and gain access to the settings of your tablet on the home or carousel screen.

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Tukang Coding
Judul: May 25, Kindle Fire Security For Kids
Review oleh: Tukang Coding | Template TreTans 1.0
Update pada: 02:50 | Rating: 4.5

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